Restarting things sometimes makes them easier

So, I mentioned in a previous post that I had to restart a project because it didn’t save properly.  Well, apparently my do-over didn’t save properly either and I had to begin, again.  This might have taught me to save backups of my work (which may also be a good idea from now on) but it also taught me that restarting things sometimes makes them easier.

The other day when I was doing the project, it seemed very complicated and time consuming.  However, after starting it from the beginning for the forth time, it didn’t seem so as much (but still tedious).  Also, I don’t think it took me as long as it felt like it was going to take me two days ago.  It really only took a couple of hours rather than the multi-day time-span I had anticipated.

Also on this train of thought, my fiancee and I downloaded a game this evening for an hour of free trial game-play.  Once we finished the hour, we were thoroughly enjoying ourselves, so we decided to buy it only to discover that our trial game didn’t save!  So, we had to start from the beginning.  However, knowing what we knew about the story line and game-play, made getting to the point where the game had cut out on us much quicker and easier.

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Filed under animation, Games, online games, work

the Apostles were Communists

so, I’ve been reading bits of the New Testament lately and I’ve finally gotten to Acts.  And one of the interesting things I found within is that the apostles were proto-communists.

Acts 2:44-45

All who believed were together and had all things in common

they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need.


The Apostles were proto-communist.

So why, in the 1950’s did we add “under God” to our Pledge of Allegiance to differentiate between us and communism?  If this is to be believed, being “under God” would in fact mean being part of the faith and sharing goods with those that had the need.

There have been alot of other biblical things I’ve learned today, but that was the big one.  I’ll save the others for another post.

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Filed under Bible study

Double check I’m actually saving my work

So I have this project I’m working on at work and it’s effectively a fancy interactive product/image gallery.  No big deal, right?  Well, the program I’m using is a little finiky about some things and I think I renamed something when I shouldn’t have.  This program writes the interaction code for me, so I can design all I like and not worry about the code portion of my design.  However, the problem was in the code and for some reason, I couldn’t edit the code.  Neither could my coworkers.  So, I ended up having to start over from scratch.

This all being said, I figure, it’s alright, I can do it better.  So I start redoing all the work that I did yesterday and this morning and save the file with the same name, plus “2” after it so I know which one to continue editing.  For whatever reason, I can’t remember now, I had to close the program and reopen the file.  I know I was saving it as I went!  I go to reopen the file…but it’s not there.  I check the folder for the file name, it’s not there.  I check the whole computer for the file name, it’s not there.  The entire file disappeared into oblivion!  So now I know : Double check that my files are actually saving when I hit Ctrl+S

Maybe it’s because I can’t do laundry this week that the God of Laundry has come to eat my file rather than a sock…

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Filed under animation, work

Starting a new blog is hard

I had a LiveJournal when I was in High School and I used it like a public diary and to keep in touch with a few friends.  Writing has never been overly hard for me since I tend to write in trains of thought (or balloons of thought, as I can be rather flighty).  But lately I’ve been wanting to share with someone, anyone really, just little bits and bobs that I’ve learned or discovered during the day.  I’ve always said that if you don’t learn at least one new thing every day then life gets very boring.  I’d like to share those bits of learning here.  So, first thing’s first –

Starting a new blog is hard!

I knew I wanted to start writing again, and I knew (sort of) what I wanted to write about, but picking a blogging site, picking a title, writing this first post, is very weird and difficult.  I accidentatly deleted my navigation tabs and took 20 minutes to figure out how to get them back.  Even now, I’m at a point where I’m not sure what else to say for this first entry.  So I suppose that, as they say, is that.

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